I have a new project called noledge which is a way of tackling the knowledge sharing problem. Similar projects include:

My reasons for making one myself are:

  • knowledge-repo is no longer actively supported and is a strange developer experience. I’m told no one at Airbnb uses it.
  • kyso is kind of a weird user experience. An entire folder or repository is considered a single post, and there’s this huge visual emphasis on a community feed. My use case is for one repo with multiple notebook files that should be browsable.
  • fastpages seems really nice, but it’s based on github pages so it’s not a good solution for internal knowledge sharing (github pages can’t be private).

Its features are:

  • Authenticate through google and limit to only users from a certain domain.
  • Automatically convert .ipynb files to attractive html pages with the ability to hide code
  • Automatically read posts from a github repository
  • Search posts by title or author
  • Scan posts by date or through a directory structure

One killer feature I’d love to add would be the ability to seamlessly include streamlit applications as posts– individual posts would be interactive, or a post could also serve as a dashboard, which would be so, so awesome. But after a couple of hours of digging into this, I don’t think its very practical with the way streamlit is designed right now (an individual server must be spun up for each page / application), and the client and server seem quite tightly coupled.